Friday, March 22, 2013

Avengers, Assemble!!

For my most recent project I painted a pair of Vans for one of my best friends for his birthday! He loves the Avengers and asked me to do these especially for him. It took me a while to do them because I have been so busy with school, sorry they were such a late birthday gift Mike!! But I finally finished them, so here they are! :)

Who doesn't love the Avengers, right??

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Doodling Suits Me...

It really does. Sometimes I get "artist's block" (instead of writer's block!) and though I am feeling creative and am always inspired by SOMETHING, I just can't figure out what to make! But when I doodle, I have no plans and no expectations and I usually end up liking it. 

Go figure!

So tonight I was doodling one of my favorite quotes "Fluctuat Nec Mergitur", which is Latin for "She is tossed by the waves, but does not sink." I love it not only because it sounds so romantic, but because the idea is one I try to live by: 

 Life is full of trials but we can choose not to let challenges bring us down.