Friday, March 22, 2013

Avengers, Assemble!!

For my most recent project I painted a pair of Vans for one of my best friends for his birthday! He loves the Avengers and asked me to do these especially for him. It took me a while to do them because I have been so busy with school, sorry they were such a late birthday gift Mike!! But I finally finished them, so here they are! :)

Who doesn't love the Avengers, right??

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Doodling Suits Me...

It really does. Sometimes I get "artist's block" (instead of writer's block!) and though I am feeling creative and am always inspired by SOMETHING, I just can't figure out what to make! But when I doodle, I have no plans and no expectations and I usually end up liking it. 

Go figure!

So tonight I was doodling one of my favorite quotes "Fluctuat Nec Mergitur", which is Latin for "She is tossed by the waves, but does not sink." I love it not only because it sounds so romantic, but because the idea is one I try to live by: 

 Life is full of trials but we can choose not to let challenges bring us down. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'd say it's pretty apparent to those who know me that I love all things ocean. (Growing up on California's coast and 
sharing names with a certain mermaid will do that to you...) 

Today I decided to give one of my old pairs of Vans a makeover!
Lately I've had an obsession with drawing one animal in particular: 
the Octopus! 

And what better way to wear my fascination than on my shoes?? 

Thank you to my roommate Jordan for letting me use her array of Sharpies! :)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Sometimes I paint on my Vans...
This past summer I decided that I wanted a pair 
of themed shoes, dedicated to my favorite place ever:
Disneyland of course!

So I made some for myself!


 The California Adventure shoe...

The Disneyland shoe... 

It took me about 10 hours, but it was totally worth it!

They finally made it to the park last August. I got so many 
compliments on them from fellow Disney Fanatics :)